Eu-SPRI Forum supports the intellectual and career development of early career SPRI researchers (doctoral candidates; PostDocs), most notably through doctoral programs, conferences, summer schools and mobility between the partner groups.

Early Career Research Training Schools · ECS

A group of people at desks with laptops

The field of research and innovation studies is diverse and has homes in different disciplinary areas. No regular PhD training events are held at European level, unlike for example the established ETIC schools for economists of technological change. Young researchers need dedicated events to acquire and exchange knowledge in two directions:

The Eu-SPRI Forum supports ad hoc schools with some 25 students each for which EU-SPRI member organisations can apply. See latest ECS calls on Open Calls.

We have set up a series of training schools to provide comprehensive and coordinated guidance . Each school is located at the premises of one of our members, but delivered thorough a team involving colleagues from other EU-SPRI organisations. For each school a broad announcement to the STI policy community are being made.

EU-SPRI Training Schools Regular Series

Eu-SPRI runs early career school in its regular series of Schools. Each school will be announced widely, target groups are PhD students (year 2 and 3 in particular) from Eu-SPRI member and non-member organisations, as well as professionals in the area of STI Policy.

Teaching format: Each school consists of lectures, debates and assignments. The reading list is short and should focus on recent contributions. Assignments can include critical analysis, use of tools, conceptual clarifications, and policy reporting. Output of assignments will be put online, e.g., as blogs. The format will encourage students to bring in their own research into various sessions and discussions, but we do not aim for separate discussions about the work of individual students. Such individual training is much more central in other Eu-SPRI instruments.

Eu-SPRI Early Career Researcher Conferences · ECC

The aim of the Early Career Conferences is to gather together outstanding early career researchers with established academics for a series of exchanges about ongoing and new research in research and innovation policy. Early career researchers can network with one another, across institutions and countries, and with established researchers, and gain critical feedback on their work, as well as experience in critiquing the work of peers.

The Eu-SPRI Forum will support one conference per year. An ECC normally has 25-30 participants.

Eu-SPRI Early Career and PhD researcher

Circulation Scheme

[My] research stay lead to several original contributions, such as a research paper that is in progress, and allowed me to explore novel techniques, and innovative approaches to my research, building networks. It strengthened our research community, gave me the opportunity to present my work in a broader audience and receiving valuable feedback from experts in the field.
Ana María Gómez Aguayo
2023 Eu-SPRI Circulation PhD Student
I received an Eu-SPRI scholarship to do research at the CIRCLE Center, University of Lund. It was one of my best research experiences, the supportive environment and knowledge sharing were amazing. That is why I invite current Eu-SPRI PhD students to apply to this scheme in order to grow research as part of a new community of researchers/doctoral students outside of your home country.
Marcia Varela
2022 Eu-SPRI Circulation PhD Student
During my time at Lund University, I was able to meet with researchers both within and outside of CIRCLE. I spoke with several researchers about Sweden’s relationship with China and how this has affected joint industrial and innovation projects. These discussions allowed me a better understanding of China’s approach to Sweden and the Nordic region, and the general response to and effectiveness of these approaches. Particularly through my colleagues at CIRCLE, I was able to learn more about Sweden’s sustainable innovation and innovation in the Global South
Molly Silk
2022 Eu-SPRI Circulation PhD Student

The circulation of Early Career and PhD Researchers between the member organisations, is an important element of the training activities of the Eu-SPRI Forum network. It is part of the development of the European Training Platform, which the Eu-SPRI Forum aims to develop in the area of science and innovation policy studies. It addresses our objective of offering a European pathway to Early Career and PhD researchers in this field. 

Eu-SPRI will award a lump sum of up to €3000 per regular visit candidate (for travel expenses and accommodation) and up to €1,500 for short-term candidates.  This will be paid once the awardee is in situ at the host organisation.

A Research Visit Report is required after the stay at the host organisation.

Eu-SPRI Circulation Blog

Are you an eligible PhD student or Early Career Researcher at an Eu-SPRI institution and curious about applying for our Circulation Award? In our Eu-SPRI Circulation Blog you can read about the experiences of past awardees to get inspired about your Eu-SPRI Circulation application.

Circulation report: Studying the Dynamics of Global Value Chain Reconfigurations at MIOIR

Diletta Pegoraro is an Early Career scholar researching the Dynamics of Global Value Chain Reconfigurations at the Department of Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering – Politecnico di Milano. She declines
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The EU-SPRI Circulation Award: A Valuable Opportunity for Early Career and Doctoral Researchers

Arthur Moreira is a PhD Student studying the Economics of Innovation at the Science Policy Research Unit (SPRU) at the University of Sussex. During his Eu-SPRI-funded circulation at CIRCLE (Lund
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