Call for proposals – Early Career Circulation Awards for Doctoral Researchers and Early Career Researchers
Next deadline: 11th October 2024
The circulation of Early Career and PhD Researchers between the member organisations, is an important element of the training activities of the Eu-SPRI Forum network. It is part of the development of the European Training Platform, which the Eu-SPRI Forum aims to develop in the area of science and innovation policy studies. It addresses our objective of offering a European pathway to Early Career and PhD researchers in this field.
Member organisations are:
- Université Paris-Est, Institut Francilien Recherche Innovation Société (IFRIS)
- Copenhagen Business School (CBS)
- Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (CSIC), Spain
- Consiglio Nazionale delle Richerche (CNR), IRCRES Research Institute on Sustainable Economic Growth, Rome
- Politecnico di Milano
- AIT Austrian Institute of Technology
- CIRCLE, Lund University, Sweden
- University of Manchester, Institute of Innovation Research
- Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research, Karlsruhe, Germany
- NIFU, Norway
- University of Twente, Institute of Innovation and Governance Studies (IGS)
- VTT, in collaboration with Helsinki Institute of Science and Technology Studies (HIST)
- UiO, Centre for Technology, Innovation and Culture, University of Oslo
- SPRU, Science Policy Research Unit, University of Sussex
- Innovation Studies, Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development , Universiteit Utrecht
- TNO, Netherlands Organisation of Applied Scientific Research
- TUD, Sozialforschungsstelle Dortmund, ZWE der TU-Dortmund
- Rathenau Institute — KNAW
- University of Vaasa, InnoLab
This call is open to Doctoral Researchers, in member organisations, in their second year of PhD thesis or beyond and Early Career Researchers, in member organisations, who have completed their PhD within the past 36 months.
Topic Areas supported
This mobility call is restricted to research topics relating to science, technology and innovation policy including studies of science, technological innovation processes and entrepreneurship which may have relevance for policy.
Candidates can decide to apply for a short mobility call (at least 1 month visiting) or a regular mobility call (at least 3 months of visiting).
How to apply
- You must first discuss your proposed short term or regular visit with a potential supervisor at your chosen host institution. Both the ‘Home’ institute and ‘Host’ institute must be members of the Eu-SPRI Forum Network. You must confirm that they are prepared to accept you if your proposal is selected.
- Send the following documents to
- A completed application form. Download here
(This does not need to be signed by all parties at application stage)
- A Curriculum Vitae
- Letter / email of support from Host Supervisor
- Letter / email of support from Home Supervisor
- 1 other academic reference
- Your application will be evaluated by a committee from the Eu-SPRI Forum Training Group. You will be informed of the outcome when a decision has been made (within 1 month).
Application guidelines
- The proposed location should be in a different “national system” so that the researcher experiences a different institutional environment. An application to move, for example, within the Netherlands would not be accepted.
- Length of circulation visit should be at least 3 months for regular circulation and at least 1 month for short-term circulation. The three months can be split into tranches.
- In the Letter of Intent, be as specific as possible about what you intend to do at your host institute. Detail why you wish to visit that particular institute; how it will contribute to your research; what you hope to achieve.
- Prepare your proposal thoroughly, look at the criteria for selection and make a good case. The awards are competitive and you need to present yourself well. Have a specific objective for the stay. This could be to work on an area of theory with experts or to undertake fieldwork in a different country, for example. Think about the potential benefits which may arise in the longer term. Make sure you put in sufficient material to convince the reviewers. If you apply for a short-term circulation you have to clearly explain why such a short-term visiting is sufficient to reach the research objective of the stay.
- Ensure that the place you want to visit is a good match for you and your work and make sure that the researcher(s) you want to work with will actually be there and are willing to host you. Making preliminary enquiries about practical arrangements is also a good idea. However, if someone at another institution has agreed in principle to accept you, your proposal may still be subject to a request for further revision or rejected.
- Ask someone (perhaps your supervisor) to review your proposal before you submit it.
- Your research must be relevant to the Eu-SPRI Forum Network. For more information see the website.
- Both the ‘PhD Home’ institute and ‘Host’ institute must be members of the Eu-SPRI Forum Network. Therefore, you may only apply to institutes that are ‘Early Career/PhD Hosts’ within Eu-SPRI Forum Network. Full members are listed on the website.
The criteria for evaluating proposals are:
- Quality of the candidate
- Quality of the ECR/PhD project
- Relevance of the project to Eu-SPRI
- Expected benefits of stay for host institution
- Expected benefits of stay for research career and/or PhD studies
- Balance of student flows (only for regular circulation)
Further details
- Eu-SPRI will award a lump sum of €3000 per regular visit candidate (for travel expenses and accommodation) and an amount up to €1,500 for short-term candidates. This will be paid once the awardee is in situ at the host organisation.
- If your application is successful, the letter of Intent must then be signed by all parties who must agree to the terms outlined in it.
- On completion of the circulation you must provide a Circulation Report to the Eu-SPRI network which may be placed on the website. This is a mandatory requirement.
- If you think you need any further information please email: or